Solving Clues and Avoiding Jackasses since 1951

What is the Arizona Treasure Hunt?

Every year under the Hunter’s Moon, puzzle-seekers gather for a mysterious evening of problem-solving, teamwork, orienteering, reckless (but very legal) driving, and getting utterly lost in the desert. The basic idea of The Hunt is simple: solve as many clues as possible from sunset to midnight without running into any jackasses. Sound easy? You must be a rookie.

Don’t miss this year’s announcements!

For date announcements, registration timing, hints, tips, and important documents, and much more, visit this year’s Hunt page to stay up to date!

“The AZ Treasure Hunt has been a family tradition for decades. It’s the best thing to ever happen to me.”

~ Lesley M. (Hunter since 1999 and mother of three)

Feeling ready to hunt ?

Grab your headlamp and come on out to the desert!

Fun is guaranteed. Safety from cacti? Not so much.