Arizona Treasure Hunt

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2012 Theme and Poster Announcement

More than two months ago we announced that the 62nd Annual Valley of the Sun Treasure Hunt will be held on Saturday, October 27th. A couple of weeks ago we announced that registration for this year's Hunt would open at 10:27 p.m. on Friday, August 31st. And now it is time to announce something you've all been waiting for: the theme for the Hunt this year. We know many teams like to come up with theme-related team names and with registration just three short weeks away you don't have a lot of time to decide on that perfect name. Well after much deliberation we have decided that we would honor the Mayans and their end-of-the-world "prediction". Many of you know that the Mayan calendar "ends" this year. In particular, the last day of the Mayan calendar is December 21, 2012 which marks the end of the 5,125 year long Mesoamerican Long Count Calendar (look it up). Okay, the Mayans didn't really think the world would end on that day, but doomsayers around the globe are forecasting worldwide catastrophe, most likely just trying to cash in on all of our ignorance and paranoia. But just in case the doomsayers are right and because the Hunt is, after all, just a glorified game, the theme for this year's Hunt is:


And as always we have a poster to accompany the theme. Once again the theme poster was designed by Hunt Wizard Matt Varitek's sister  Joan Varitek. She’s an accomplished illustrator and cartoonist whose donation of time and talent to create our poster is greatly appreciated.

If you want to display the poster on your site, blog, Facebook page or print it out to show your friends, family and coworkers, you can download a copy of the small version or the large version

So appreciate that this year's Hunt falls before the end of the world and keep your fingers crossed that this won't REALLY be the last year for the Hunt! And of course we are dying to see what kind of Mayan-themed outfits and t-shirts will show up this year!

Registration is just under three weeks away and the countdown to the Hunt is now visible at the top right of the website. We will shortly be sending out another announcement with detailed registration instructions. Registration will open on Friday, August 31st at 10:27 p.m. and the announcement with details will come out about a week before that. Are you ready! Game on!